Yanze Chen

About me

I am a postdoc in University of Alberta, starting from Oct 2022. My mentor is Manish Patnaik.

Before that, I got my PhD degree at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, under the supervision of Professor Yongchang Zhu.

Research interest: Automorphic forms and representations on loop groups.

Publications & Preprints

On the convergence of the Kac-Moody correction factor, 2022.
(with Yongchang Zhu)Weil representations of twisted loop group, 2021.
(with Yongchang Zhu)Theta liftings for (GL_n,GL_n) type dual pairs of loop groups, 2021.


Most of the notes are incomplete, and contains mistakes.

Notes on the Segal-Shale-Weil representation


Theta liftings for loop GL(n) groups, Zhejiang University, Oct 2023.
Theta liftings for loop GL(n) groups, Workshop on the representation theory of p-adic groups and connections to quantum groups, geometry and combinatorics at University of Amsterdam / Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics, May 2023.
Theta liftings for loop GL(n) groups, Alberta Number Theory Days XIV at Banff, Apr 2023. Video


I taught MATH 214 Intermediate Calculus III in Spring 2023 at University of Alberta.